When you are all set to prove your mettle and take up your IELTS test, not only the day of the test but also days before the test may give you goosebumps. Feeling nervous is normal as the big day arrives. A day prior to your IELTS exam is generally full of revisions, studying all the samples, going through the notes, checking your reading/listening skills, and much more. Apart from this, it is very important to stay calm, relax and stay away from stress one day before the test. Although you might experience high pressure and suffer from anxiety. Hence, follow the given tips to stay calm one day before the IELTS exam:
Generally, students are in a habit of studying and practicing the past papers a night before the exam. If you’re doing the same thing, kindly STOP!! Overnight practicing the papers will not help you in fetching a good band score, in fact, it will ruin your sleep and the score too. In case, you don’t get a good score while practicing the papers overnight, it will make you de-motivated and will increase your nervousness in the exam. So, better AVOID it.
Tomorrow is your exam and you are not aware of the questions that will be given to you. All you know is the pattern, how to manage the time and that you have prepared well. Thus, STOP WORRYING and STAY CALM for you cannot get access to questions anyhow until the next day you have arrived at the exam center. Instead, focus all your energy on achieving the career goals, and trust yourself. Think positive and do not take unnecessary stress as it can affect your health too.
While revision is important, it is equally important to take breaks and follow some breathing techniques. This will help in controlling your nerves as well as keep you fresh, active, and relaxed. Take a few deep breaths as it will lower your heart rate. Hold your breath for a few seconds till you count till seven or beyond and exhale. That’s simple and easy. Do this ten times and feel calm.
A night before your exam, make sure that you sleep well, comfortable, and at least for eight hours. Take a warm bath and have plenty of sleep. Stay away from your gadgets, mobile, and TV at night. Enjoy a cup of herbal tea, coffee, or milk, if you prefer to have one. Give enough rest to your body, brain, and nervousness. Declutter your mind, set an alarm to get up tomorrow on time, and sleep peacefully.
Since you need to appear for your exam tomorrow, avoid food that can cause any troubles to you tomorrow. Avoid junk food, oily, spicy, or other unhealthy food that can trigger stomach pain, allergy, etc. Eat normal, balanced, and nutritious food that gives you energy and is easy to digest.
Exercise should be a part of our daily routine and if you follow the same, then do not skip your routine task. Walk, exercise, jog, or dance, do whatever activity keeps you fit and de-stress without over-straining yourself.
Keep stationery and other documents ready to avoid last-minute disaster. Ensure that you have stationery items (pencil, sharpener, eraser, pen) ready along with your admit card, ID, address of the test center, etc. Do not panic.
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